S2E17: Tickles From The Wrist
The group attends the Tanager Jubillee Masqarade and Uma encounters one or more nightmares
Our adaptation of Paizo’s War for the Crown adventure path. Join us in our role-play heavy campaign through this world of political intrigue and sabotage.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one – some uptight nobles, a brawler, a priest, and a thief walk into a party… Oh you haven’t? Well to find out what happens next you’ll have to join us in this campaign. Tag along with Tim, Uma, Raymundo, Peter, and Eliwick as they try to save a kingdom from itself.
Uma Von Lightenburg, Tim Horton, Raymundo del Pozo San Martín, Peter, Eliwick Stumbleduck
The group attends the Tanager Jubillee Masqarade and Uma encounters one or more nightmares
On the second day of the Jubilee the heroes partake in an unusual breakfast and go on an even stranger hunt.
The heroes spend the rest of the first day of the Jubilee getting to know the nobles, Raymundo finds his way into the chariot race.
The group enjoys the first day of the Tanager Jubilee and Raymundo gets word a possible nemesis is in town
After a meeting with Martella the group makes their way to another party located in the county of Meratt
The group takes to the streets of Oppara and searches for the missing Martella
After the rescue of Martella and Sandy, the group takes some time to rest and look for answers.
The group faces the realization that they have split the party and attempt to regroup and save Uma and Peter
After escaping the tunnels below the sennate building the heroes regroup and make a plan to save Lotheed.